Così è,
se vi pare.

An olive oil
following the rythm of the nature

Every year, the blend of our olive oil is different. This happens because new plants of Nocellara del Belice, Biancolilla, Cerasuola and Giarraffa grew throughout time in our olive grove, next to centuries-old trees mostly belonging to the varierty of Ogliarola and Passulunara. Throughout the seasons, the sicilian climate allows one of these cultivar to offer a different amount of fruits, so that the percentage in our blend is always different. Così è, se vi pare, is our anthem: the way it is, if you like it.

del Belice

Precious and ancient native cultivar. The oil obtained is bitter and a little spicy, with a very low acidity (below 0.5%).


Ancient native cultivar, perhaps the most remote. It produces a lightly fruity, slightly spicy and very aromatic oil.


Among the most common cultivars in Sicily. It gives a beneficial oil for cholesterol and cellular aging, thanks to antioxidants, beta-carotene and unsaturated fats.


A cultivar with very ancient origins. It produces lightly fruity oil, sweet taste, with spicy and bitter notes.


Native cultivar that gives a fruity oil with a good balance between spicy, sweet and bitter.

Così è

Year 2020


Aromatically complex. A strong fruity green olive essence is followed by notes of cut grass, green tomato, artichoke, aromatic herbs.


Pleasant balance between bitter and spicy, combined with a notable aromatic persistence.


Low acidity, because we select the best olives. Low peroxides and high polyphenols, because we guarantee process quality and healthy oil.

From nature to our tables
respecting the

As a farm transitioning towards fully organic techniques and processes, we treat our plants with the respect they deserve and we carefully follow the whole process since the growth of the drupes. In order to guarantee the highest quality of the final product, the harvesting – partially by hand, partially through compression harvesters – takes place in the first week of october, when olives are still young. Cold pressing and storing the oil under nitrogen in steel silos ensure respectively the preservation of polyphenols and the inalterability of the olive oil.

The tales
of the territory
on a

We wanted the packaging to be able to tell the story of our territory and of our farm, in a visual and narrative synthesis that combines the legend of the ox and the sacred cross with our very humble and personal story. All these elements compose together the name of our olive oil, the natural result of a millenary story.

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